Custom-built here in Glasgow, the Duplex tandem tricycle is perfect for stable, fast touring with two people. Built entirely out of aerospace-grade seamless 4130 steel, fillet-brazed, it has S&S frame separators as standard to make it much easier to store and transport.
Because it is built to order, anything is possible, but the “standard” specification shown here is a good mix – three chainrings and a 3×9 rear wheel to give 81 gears in a very wide spread, twin hydraulic front disc brakes, a rear disc brake with parking lock, mudguards and carrier.
Duplex Tandem Tricycle – prices start at £5995 depending on specification.
Delivery time is around 4 months at present.
Could the Duplex tandem trike be equipped with electric assistance? I was thinking of a Bafang bottom bracket kit but this wouldn’t be suitable for the front as shown (left side chainring) and it looks like the rear would obstruct the motor. Could a rear wheel drive work?
Yes, a rear hub motor like a Heinzmann would work, in combination with a rear derailleur – no hub gears of course.
Could it be built with an upright stoker position?
Theoretically yes, but I’m not sure how stable that would be – the high stoker would be very far back from the centre of stability, so it might be prone to tipping over in corners. And of course it wouldn’t be like a Pino, the stoker would be much higher up than the pilot.
Happy for stoker to be higher than pilot, they’ll get a view! My thinking is that the tadpole configuration might reduce the risk of tipping.
I should have mentioned that the pilot weighs 90kg and the stoker 65kg.
Can this bike be dismantled for transportation?
Yes, it splits in half at the silver couplings.
Fantastic! Thank you.
Can seats be adjusted and, if so, how many positions? IPS cost? Shipping cost to Texas? Thanks.
This uses HP seats, so they’re adjustable through about 20 degrees via two quick release levers.
This tandem looks very fine, i like the fillet brazed frame. Can you please explain the length adjustment for the stokers seat position ? Thank you.
The stoker’s bottom bracket is on a slider so it can move back and forth on the diagonal bracing tube.
Pros and Cons of having the new Duplex built w/ IPS, Captain controls all vs the ICE/Trice Explorer Tandem Trike for sale and doing the same to it? In the States. For son w/ autism and I to ride. Thanks. Feel free to PM.
can the duplex have a fairing?
Yes, the Streamer fairing will fit on the front. Or Velotop have been working on a tandem fairing I think.
I have a good friend thats been looking for someone that would build him a fully suspended tandem trike – is that something you would consider?
Not at the moment I’m afraid, it’s a huge amount of work.